
2022年5月19日 星期四

Default Font of PPT Objects


If you want to set the default font size or background color of text boxes or callouts:

  1. View - Slide Master - Insert Layout (This will create a custom layout.)
  2. Home.  Create a textbox.  Change the font size and background color.
  3. Right-click the text box and choose "Set as Default Text Box".
  4. Create a callout and change its font size or background color as you wish.
  5. Right-click and "Save as Default Shape".
  6. Slide master - Close Slide Master.

2019年1月14日 星期一


Shift-ESC to open the "task manager" of Google Chrome.

2018年12月28日 星期五

12 Tips to Speed up Windows 7


11. Don't Use a Beautiful Desktop Background

Personalize - Desktop Background - choose a solid color (e.g. Black).

12. Turn Off Aero Effects

Control Panel - Performance Information and Tools - Adjust Visual Effects - Adjust for Best Performance (this will turn off everything).

2018年1月28日 星期日

Convert UTF-16LE to UTF-8

Jack Jr. reported an interesting problem: Under manager@ms14:www/secure, he tried to add an RCS keyword $Date$ to index.htm, hoping that RCS will automatically update the modified time. 
However, it did not work. The string was not replaced. What puzzles him is, when he created a new file for testing, everything works fine.

Let us inspect the checked-out index.htm file. When you edit it by vim, on the status line you see "[converted][dos]". The message "[dos]" simply indicates that this file was created in DOS/Windows environment, where newline characters in text files consists of CR+LF (\015\012). On the contrary, in Unix newline characters are a single LF. However, this is not the cause which prevented RCS to work properly.

Let's inspect the contents of index.htm, with a better tool. 工欲善其事,必先利其器. You may use the "dump.cpp" program you developed in the VoIP class, which we adopted to inspect WAV files. You may also use a Unix command "od -t x1 index.htm" to inspect each byte. Now you should see the problem. Each character is stored as two bytes. The ASCII code of the string "Date" is "44 61 74 65", but it was stored as "44 00 61 00 74 00 65 00". That's why RCS failed to recognize this keyword.

By inspecting the beginning of the index.htm file, we see "FF FE", which is BOM (byte order mark, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark). By checking some article (https://unix.stackexchange.com/…/process-a-file-that-starts…) we learned that this indicates that the file is encoded in UTF-16, little endian!

So the solution should be simple. We need to convert this file from UTF-16LE to UTF-8. Let's type the command "mv index.htm index.bak; iconv -f UTF-16LE -t UTF-8 index.bak > index.htm". 

Before we check-in the new UTF-8 file, please inspect its size. You can see that its size is almost half of the UTF-16 file. Now check in and check out index.htm. The converted file works fine with RCS keywords now.

2017年8月22日 星期二

Linux Hostname Configuration

Reference: https://jblevins.org/log/hostname

In CentOS, add a line "HOSTNAME=gauss" in /etc/sysconfig/network.

2017年4月12日 星期三

[Excel] Freeze panes to lock rows and columns

  1. To lock more than one row or column, or to lock both rows and columns at the same time, move your cursor to the first scrolling cell (i.e. your cursor is below the rows you want to freeze and to the right of any columns you want to freeze).
  2. Then choose the View tab, and then click Freeze Panes

2016年9月11日 星期日

Change the default application associated with an extension file name


Start - "Default Programs" - Associate a file type with a program.